BKPM is the main link between the business world and the government. BKPM is mandated to encourage direct investment, both from within the country and abroad, through the creation of a conducive investment climate.
The infrastructure provided by BKPM for storing, exchanging, managing, and processing data needs a safe and efficient infrastructure solution that is supported by managed services. This is in the event of BKPM in supporting PTSP performance assessment activities, the PPB of the Local Government as well as PPB performance of State Ministries/temporary institutions.
About Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM)
BKPM (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal) is a non-ministerial government agency that is in charge of coordinating policies and services in the investment sector based on the provisions of laws and regulations.
With the increasing number of website visitors and the many more features for public service, Kemenparekraf needs a robust and reliable infrastructure that can continuously be accessed without downtime. Kamenparekraf has chosen to move the website to AWS cloud to avoid the need of maintaining its infrastructure so that it can focus on developing its website and its content. The Kemenparekraf team also needs 24×7 service support to ensure the website operates smoothly.
The presence of Elitery can help provide solutions in the form of cloud server rentals on Amazon web services. As an official AWS partner in the public sector, Elitery also provides managed service solutions so that Elitery can ensure the cloud server infrastructure on BKPM’s AWS can run well and can handle technical problems that occur.
Results & Benefits
After using the AWS cloud server that Elitery offers, BKPM can now carry out One-Stop Integrated Service Performance Assessment (PTSP) and Local Government Business Implementation Acceleration (PPB) and State Ministries / Institutions’ Accelerated Business Implementation Performance (PPB) without worrying about technical problems. on their cloud servers.
Impacts that occur from using Elitery’s managed services on AWS:
Reducing the cost of IT resources by 150%
Speed up implementation time by 25% faster than the original plan
Going forward, Elitery will provide WiFi services that connect RSK users to all RSK branches using services from AWS.
Managing network on
cloud resources
enterprise customers
ATM Banking
Elitery, with the selection of features in AWS services and its capability on autoscaling, focusing in providing the best IT operation services for enterprises. We strive to stay ahead of our competitors by offering reliable, integrated, resilient, innovative, and solid IT operation services.