EliWork@Anywhere – Solusi bekerja dari mana saja dengan teknologi yang aman

Perusahaan dihadapkan pada “kenormalan baru” di mana karyawan harus dapat bekerja jauh dari kantor.

IT Security Balancing Act

Device Management Complexity

Devices High Operational Cost

A cloud based solution that enables employees to access their applications from anywhere using any device securely and cost effectively.

Built with well-proven technology from Citrix and combined with our certified and experienced engineers, Eliwork@Anywhere is ready to help you provide easy remote access to their employees during WFH.
  • Boost Mobility Access your work remotely and securely over a web browser anytime, anywhere from any device.
  • Enable Cost-effective IT Reduce cost by 10 to 20 percent over three years compared to traditional methods by eliminating capital expenses.
  • Simplify ITManage all your business desktop’s applications centrally and deliver them on-demand to your employees over a web browser.
  • Strengthen SecurityProtect your business against unsecured networks and devices used by your employees during WFH and even lost, stolen or compromised device scenarios.