
In order to support the training held by BPPTIK, Kominfo makes use of the Learning management system application, to support the event the Kominfo BPPTIK team requires sufficient Cloud infrastructure.

As BPPTIK’s carrying out competency tests and competency certification in the field of ICT grow. Learning management system application is needed to support and maintain all activities. Limited resources, especially IT infrastructure and cloud management, are one of the challenges faced by BPPTIK in addition to IT costs, which must be used


Information and Communication Technology Training and Development Center (BPPTIK) is the Technical Implementation Unit for HR Research and Development which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Communication & Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia.


The BPPTIK Kominfo team often experiences problems in conducting training through their Learning Management System. These constraints are difficult to identify and handle due to a lack of understanding of the infrastructure system by employees. They are also burdened by capital expense as the necessary training is only held periodically.


The presence of Elitery as an official AWS partner in the public sector helps provide solutions in the form of cloud services from Amazon Web Services as well as managed services that can help the BPPTIK Kominfo team have adequate IT infrastructure, especially within the cloud sector.

We provide consultancy in infrastructure design using the AWS Cloud which is supported by relational database services.

Results & Benefits

By having the Learning Management System in the AWS cloud and the Manage Service that we provide, BPPTIK Kominfo does not require capital expenses and as a result, TCO calculations are 50% lower than using the on-premise infrastructure.

Impacts that occur from using Elitery’s managed services on AWS:

  1. Reducing the cost of IT resources by 150%
  2. Speed up implementation time by 25% faster than the original plan

Going forward, Elitery will provide WiFi services that connect RSK users to all RSK branches using services from AWS.

Managing network on





cloud resources



enterprise customers



ATM Banking


Elitery, with the selection of features in AWS services and its capability on autoscaling, focusing in providing the best IT operation services for enterprises. We strive to stay ahead of our competitors by offering reliable, integrated, resilient, innovative, and solid IT operation services.