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28Nov 2016
DevOps Sebagai Dasar Implementasi Transformasi Digital

Transformasi digital telah menjadi kebutuhan di tiap perusahaan. Di tahun 2017, produk Internet of Things akan membanjiri pasaran di Indonesia. Hal ini akan mendorong...

03Aug 2016
disaster recovery services solutions
Disaster Recovery as a Services (DRaaS)

Commonly, companies think that using Direct Backup or Disaster Recovery services is same as buying health insurance. They haven’t feel the importance of the...

22Jul 2016
elitery docker indonesia
Optimalkan Infrastruktur TI Anda Bersama Elitery!

Kami bangga untuk mengumumkan bahwa Elitery telah resmi terdaftar sebagai Docker Partner Member! Docker adalah sebuah teknologi container software open source yang memungkinkan Anda...

25Jun 2016
asosiasi data center indonesia ~ IDPRO
Peluncuran Asosiasi Penyelenggara Data Center Indonesia ~ IDPRO

Jakarta, 22 Juni 2016. Beberapa tahun terakhir industri data center Indonesia tumbuh sangat pesat. Seiring dengan jumlah pengguna yang terus meningkat, kebutuhan akan data...

23Jun 2016
Elitery CEO signing commitment letter to establish Indonesia Data Center Provider Organization (IDPRO)
Indonesia Data Center Provider Organization Established

The last few years Indonesia data center industry grew rapidly with 2 digit growth percentage. Along with the number of internet users continues to...

22Jun 2016
Elitery New Office Gratitude Events And Iftar

On June 21, 2016 yesterday, PT Data Sinergitama Jaya (Elitery) held an iftar with all members of staff, directors and commissioners which was also attended...

14Jun 2016
Current Facts of IT Infrastructure Requirements
Current Facts of IT Infrastructure Requirements

Scale of corporate IT infrastructure has increased dramatically over the past decade and a half. At many companies, it has moved from basements with...

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