The Integrated Report Information System (SiPANDU) is used by Service Providers, whether they are companies, communities, government entities, or other organizations, to receive, follow up, and monitor incoming reports in order to resolve them quickly, accurately, and measurably.
SiPANDU utilizes the WhatsApp application as a substitute for website forms or applications, making it easier for Users/Reporters to report issues to service providers, whether they are companies, communities, or government entities. Based on the concept of Smart Engagement, SiPANDU is designed as a practical and efficient reporting channel to facilitate digital communication using cutting-edge technology.

User Convenience

Simply with WhatsApp and Menu Driven Chat, reporting can be made easier without the need to download a separate application.

With just the phone number used during reporting, it is possible to quickly track the status of the report.
Convenience for Service Providers

Connected directly to the ticketing system to facilitate checking and follow-up of reports.

User-friendly dashboard interface to facilitate service providers in monitoring reports and their status.

Reports are categorized and accompanied by their details.

Integrated with the ticketing system, it allows you to know the status and latest information of incoming reports, including the relevant department handling the report.

Facilitates searching based on all columns in the report list.

Reporting in the form of pie or bar charts facilitates viewing and monitoring overall report statistics to ensure that all reports are resolved effectively.